۱۳۸۸ مهر ۱۷, جمعه

The Illegal Execution of Rahim Mohammadi

Human Rights Activists in IranHRA- the defense lawyer, Mohammad Mostafai, says his client was hanged in Tabriz without his knowledge. He explains the circumstances and decisions taken by the judiciary in the process that led to his client’s unlawful hanging on Tuesday October 5th. Rahim Mohammadi went to the gallows yesterday. His family and I, his lawyer, were kept in the dark about his execution. The troubled young man and his wife had fallen into a trap set by some lustful government workers, a mistake that he paid for with his life. In a joint decision, five judges of the 2nd district of Tabriz’ provincial appeals court sentenced Rahim Mohammadi and his wife Kobra Babai to die by hanging and stoning. The ruling was confirmed by two judges of the 27th district of the Supreme Court. Rahim Mohammadi’s sentence was carried out yesterday, and Kobra Babai will be stoned to death shortly. Against all procedural regulations, the officials in charge of Rahim Mohammadi’s case sent him to the gallows in secrecy. My client became the victim of a society which itself was responsible for the troubled circumstances of his life. He fell victim to a group of ignoble individuals who took profit of his disadvantaged life and abused his wife. He was the victim of wolves disguised as faithful Muslims. He became victim of a society which does not care about its members.My question to the head of the judiciary is: How are the foundations of Islamic law, a law which is supposed to be based on the superior place of human life, respected when a young man is executed in such an unlawful manner? Mr. Larijani, human dignity has been forgotten by our judicial system. A young man is hanged and his family is not informed. His body is not given to his poor parents. What kind of place is there for human dignity when the defense lawyer is not notified of his client’s execution? Mr Larijani, the young people who are being hanged in our country do not deserve their fate. Mr. Larijani the rule of justice is not possible when your eyes are closed to what is happening. Mr. Larijani, I urge you to put a stop to these executions before it is too late, and before the young men and women of this country become the victims of some revengeful officials. Mr. Larijani, I wrote a letter to the Tehran prosecutor but never got an answer from him. My client was hanged and he lost whatever sign of life that was left in his weak body. Dear Mr. Larijani, if Qisas is a personal right and you are responsible that this right be lawfully carried out, then explain to me which personal right was involved in Rahimi’s execution. Mr. Larijani, please read the letter I wrote to the prosecutor to see why two innocent people, Rahim Mohammadi and Kobra Babai, were sentenced to death.

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