۱۳۸۸ مهر ۲۴, جمعه

" Holy Spirit "

Recently a person who came across the VW homepage made queries about the Holy Spirit, asking about the Trinity, nature, authority. Do we pray to and worship Him? There is so much confusion today on this subject. My answers to this person form the basis of this article.
The matter of the God-head is quite possibly one of the most difficult things to understand. And, I doubt that we finite humans can completely understand it while we are on this earth. But we will when we "see Him just as He is." (1Jn3:2)
That there are "three" in the God-head is quite apparent. We are to baptize in the "name of the Father...the Son, and..Holy Spirit. (Mt28:19) "For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one."(1Jn5:7) All Three were present when Jesus was baptized. (Jn1:32, Mt3:16-17) And at creation. (Gen1:2, Jn1:1-4)
Jesus describes His unity with the Father, "..as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You...just as We are one."(~Jn17:21-23) At creation God said, "Let [US] make man in our image, according to [Our] likeness.. and God created man in [His] own image."(Gen1:26-27) Notice the plural/unity in this passage.
God gave a human example of this singular plurality. It is the unity between Christ and the Church; and this bond is exemplified by marriage. Paul writes, "..the two shall become one flesh. This is a GREAT MYSTERY.." (Eph5:31-32)
What is God's nature, overall? Who knows for sure? In John 4:24 Jesus says that "God is spirit." What is the nature of "spirit?" He ex- plained it, "The wind blows where it wishes & you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit." (Jn3:8)
In Rev3:1, Jesus makes claim to having the "seven Spirits of God." These "Spirits" are before the throne of "Him who is, who was and who is to come"...the "I AM." (Rv1:4,Ex3:14) So, does this mean that the Holy Spirit is "Seven?" Perhaps. We are only given pictures.
Now, as to the Holy Spirit's "own will" ... When Jesus promised the coming of the Holy Spirit, He says, "He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak...He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you."(Jn16:13-14) There seems to be a hierarchy in the God-head. The Father being chief. For a time He has given authority to the Son...which ultimately the Son will return to the Father (1Cor15:28). And then, the Holy Spirit...the "helper." 1Cor11:3 says that the "head of Christ is God." Jesus said repeatedly, "I always do those things that please Him [the Father]"..."as My Father taught me, I speak these things." (Jn8:28-29)
And then regarding spirits.. "the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets."(1Cor14:32) In other words, a Christian, being filled by the Holy Spirit...the Spirit is subject to that person. And as such, we are warned to not "quench the Spirit." (1Th5:19)
On the other hand, "the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one...But one and the same Spirit works all these things, dis- tributing to each one individually as He wills. (1Cor12:7,11)
And by the same token...what we see in these so-called "revivals" is NOT Scriptural...where people are being "slain" in the spirit...and are totally NOT in control of themselves, as SOME "spirit" has taken control OF them. In these meetings the "preacher" will warn the men against looking with lust upon the women so-caught up in the moment, dancing around. When these skirt-clad women fall down "dead" in immodest poses, special workers go around with drop clothes to cover them. The Holy Spirit will work where He is given room to work...but will not render a person incapacitated. Nor will He "cause" a person to act unbecomingly, nor flop down non-demurely. (Ex20:26,1Tm5:2,1Cor14:40)
In spite of the "subservient" role the Holy Spirit seems to have, Lying to the Spirit brought about death to Ananias and Sapphira. (Acts5:3) And blaspheming the Holy Spirit is something for which there is no forgiveness. "anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit...it will not be forgiven." (Lk12:10)
If a person decides, after knowing God, to willfully turn his back on God and reject Christ, there is no more sacrifice for sins (Heb10:26), because, among other things, the person has "insulted the Spirit of grace."(vs29)
I do not know of any Scripture that tells us to worship or "pray to" the Holy Spirit. Nor, for that matter, do we pray TO "Jesus." We pray to the Father, in "Jesus' name." (Mt6:6, Jn16:26, 2Cor13:7, Acts12:5,Rom10:1) Specifically, we are told to make our supplications "to God." (Phil4:6) The word "God" means, the "Father."
Now, just one other argument from logic for not praying to the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit Who helps us pray. "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." (Rom8:26) If it is the Spirit who helps us pray...why would we pray "to" the One who helps us pray? The Spirit is obviously not going to pray "to" Himself.
And then, we see the "Trinity" again in Rom8:27. He who searches the hearts; the Word of God [Jesus].."for the Word of God is living and powerful..is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from [His] sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account."(Heb4:12-13); makes intercession for us at the "right hand of God" (Rom8:34); knowing the "mind of the Spirit" (8:27); according to the will of the Father. So, this helps us understand how we can "ask anything according to His will." (1Jn5:14) And the assurance that "He will hear us." It is not us praying...but the Holy Spirit helping us pray, and Christ interceding for us...naturally, these things will then be according to His will...and then, again ...He will hear us.
It would seem that the very ESSENCE of God is the Holy Spirit. And yet, the "person" of the Holy Spirit is submissive to the Father and Son. A person can reject the Father and the Son, and then repent and receive forgiveness. But, if a person comes to understand the fellowship of the God-head to the degree that he "understands" the Holy Spirit in his heart, the very deepest level of understanding, and rejects Him; that person is without excuse. There is no further recourse for forgiveness. "But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His."(Rom8:9)
Fellowship is through the Holy Spirit.(Phil2:1)
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.(2Cor13:14)

Israel Will Ensure 'Survival' Against I.R. Iran's Threats


Israel reserves the right to take whatever action is needed to survive in the face of Iran's nuclear ambitions, the Jewish state's far-right infrastructure minister, Uzi Landau, said. "We'll take the actions that are necessary for our survival, we'll do whatever is necessary at that time," he told AFP late Wednesday, expressing regret that EU nations did not see the Islamic republic as a major threat. "It is better not to talk now about the details" of any action, he said, amid concern that Iran is covertly building an atomic bomb as it develops a civil nuclear programme. "By the actions taken by most European governments you don't see that the gravity of the situation has been understood," said Landau, from the far-right Yisrael Beitenu party.

Israel considers Iran to be its arch-enemy after repeated statements by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Holocaust was a "myth" and that Israel must be "wiped off the map." On Friday, an aide to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted as saying that Iran will "blow up the heart" of Israel if attacked by the Jewish state or the United States. "Even if one American or Zionist missile hits our land, before the dust is settled, Iranian missiles will blow up the heart of Israel," his deputy representative to the elite Revolutionary Guards, Mojtaba Zolnour, said, according to state news agency IRNA. The United States and its regional ally Israel have never ruled out a military option to stop Tehran's nuclear drive.

'Israel May Attack the Iranian Regime After December'

The Jerusalem Post & Le Canard Enchainé

Israel is making preparations to carry out military attacks in Iran after December, a French magazine reported overnight Wednesday. According to the report in Le Canard Enchainé quoted by Israel Radio, Jerusalem has already ordered high-quality combat rations from a French food manufacturer for soldiers serving in elite units and has also asked reservists of these units staying abroad to return to Israel. The magazine further reported that in a recent visit to France, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi told his French counterpart Jean-Louis Georgelin that Israel was not planning to bomb Iran, but might send elite troops to conduct activities on the ground there. These, according to the magazine, could involve the sabotage of nuclear facilities as well as assassinations of top Iranian nuclear scientists.

Israel has recently toned down rhetoric against Iran so as not to hinder US diplomatic efforts for Iranian transparency regarding its nuclear program, but neither Jerusalem nor Washington have so far made any unequivocal statements to the effect that the military option against Iran was no longer being considered. Israel has maintained that it has the military capability to tackle Iran on its own if sanctions against the Islamic Republic prove ineffective. Israel accuses Iran of seeking to acquire nuclear weapons. Teheran maintains that its nuclear program is peaceful.

The Jerusalem Post could not confirm Le Canard Enchainé's report.

Another Iranian Poll Protester Sentenced to Death

Human Rights Activists in Iran

Hamed Rouhinejad is a young prisoner who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis (M.S). He was arrested on bogus charges before the presidential election. With the start of the post-election protests, he became part of a scenario written by the intelligence apparatus. He was intimidated and lured into playing the role of a rioter during the show trials. His acting resulted in his death sentence. In a letter written to HRA, Rouhinejad explained how he had been deceived and sacrificed in a pre-written scenario. The following is his letter in its entirety. I, Hamed Rouhinejad, son of Mohammad Reza, sentenced to death by District 28 of the Revolutionary court, would like to tell you about my life and my current situation. I spent my childhood in the winding alleys of southern Tehran. We survived on my father’s meager income. He worked from dawn until late at night. He always took the hardest jobs to put bread on the table. I still remember how hard it was for us to see his sad face. I can never forget growing up among kids who all lived in poverty, but my hardest memory is the memory of the cracked hands of my mother, who washed everything in cold water without ever complaining about it. All she cared about was making our lives easier. She tried to make up for our poverty and social injustice with her love. I remember the days I used to walk on the streets restlessly, looking for a gift to buy for my parents with the little money they had given me.

Anyhow, our poverty and the hardships we were facing as a working class family and the huge expenses of my treatment as an MS patient forced me to leave the country. I did not want to impose on my family more than what they were already facing. I left Iran in hopes of going to the U.S. or a European country, but I unfortunately ended up in Iraq. Human traffickers took all my money. I was detained in Arbil for 4 months. After my release I started working in a restaurant day and night to make some money, but my deteriorating MS and the loneliness of exile forced me to return to Iran. My return was completely legal and was in coordination with the Intelligence Ministry. Upon my return I went to the “Intelligence” officials and told them everything about my trip. After listening to me they said, “you have not committed any crime and can go back to university.” Unfortunately, 10 months later, on May 4th, 2009, I was arrested and detained until I could be used as a sacrifice in the election trials. During my 40 day detention in a small cell in Ward 209 of Evin, the only thing that stopped my MS from getting worse was reading the Quran and Nahjolbalagheh and praying to God. Despite all their prior promises, I was threatened everyday to be tortured and killed, as if leaving the country was a crime punishable by death. The pressure was so intense that I lost feeling in 80% of the right side of my body. I was paralyzed and had lost most of the sight in my right eye. With the help of God, I regained most the feeling in my body, but my eye is still blurry and stops me from clearly seeing my surroundings. During that time I begged them and wrote several letters to the warden and the prison doctor to help me.

Alas, not only did they not follow up on my repeated requests for medical attention, but they took me to the public trials, limping and in miserable condition. Despite my emotional and physical state, I was not allowed prison visits or phone calls. My detention and mistreatment in Iraqi prisons did not even come close to what I experienced in Evin. The most difficult time of my detention was when I was hearing the mothers who were crying for their children, or the sobbing of the fathers who could not hug their loved ones. I only found out about the election one day after it was over. I had no clue on what was going on outside prison. I knew nothing about the massive popular protests which had taken over the country. I was lured and taken to the trial of the people who had protested the election results, without ever having anything to do with it. I only went there because my interrogators had promised me to give back my life in return for my compliance. So I went to court and wrote on paper what they wanted me to and claimed their words as my own actions. Today, as a political prisoner, I declare that I have never belonged to any political party or group. I have never had anything to do with the elections. I deny having ever had any ties to the API (Anjoman Padeshi Iran). I deny all the charges that have been brought up against me.

فریاد زیر خاک

برگرفته از وبلاگ فریاد آزادی

عمق زخم جنایات رژیم سفاک آخوندی بر رخ جامعه چنان عمیق است که شاید یک دهه لازم باشد بعد از سرنگونی اش تا رد زخمی که بر صورت ایران کشیده شده است، ترمیم و بهبود یابد.।رژیم ضمن ایجاد رعب و وحشت بر مردم برای طفره رفتن از زیر بار مسئولیت مرگ " شهید بهنود شجاعی" اول قصد دارند سنتی را ترویج کنند که مردم عادی را هم شریک جنایات خودشان کنند، با اینکه میدانند که هیچ عذری برای جنایاتشان پذیرفته نیست اما بدین وسیله به تصور و خیال خودشان قصد دارند کمی بار کنایه های سازمانها و مجامع حقوق بشری را از روی دوش خودشان بردارند.।دوم اینکه مردم بجای سرزنش کردن رژیم دیکتاتوری ، از آنجائیکه تصورشان برای انجام همان عمل یعنی با دست خود طناب دار را بر گردن نوجوانی انداختن حتی اگر مجرم هم باشد، غیر قابل فهم است، بنا بر این ابتدا به ساکن بطور خودکار با واکنش انساندوستانه ، گذشت و بخشش ، اجرای اعدام توسط پدر و مادر مقتول را نفی می کنند و ای بسا بجای اینکه تمام فحش و ناسزا را نثار باعث و بانی اش که همان رژیم ماورای قرون وسطی ای است بکنند برعکس پدر و مادر مقتول را، از قضا آنها که نیز قربانی همین رزیم هستند را به باد لعنت و نفرین میگیرند. سوم رژیم بدین وسیله به تمام ارگانها و نهادهای حقوق بشری می خواهد سیاست کشتار مردم به دست مردم را بشکلی القا کند که قوانین ماورای قرون وسطی ای در ایران توسط مردم عادی نهادینه شده است.
وآنها یعنی نهادها و سازمانها حقوق بشری باید اجرای قوانین " قصاص" را در چهار چوب قانون اساسی ایران را بپذیرند.।

بنابراین همه باید دست در دست هم ، با هر عقیده و مرام ، متحد شویم تا این رژیم پلید و نکبت را از صفحه روزگار محو کنیم। در خاتمه این مطلب همه برای " شهید" بهنود شجاعی طلب آمرزش می کنیم। روحش شاد.....

علیرضا تبریزی

کنگرۀ آمریکا فروش و صدور بنزین را به ایران تحریم کرد

رادیو فرانسه: کنگرۀ آمریکا به زودی مصوبۀ تحریم صدور بنزین به ایران را به رئیس جمهوری این کشور باراک اوباما ابلاغ خواهد کرد.

سنای آمریکا مصوبۀ مجلس نمایندگان این کشور را تأئید کرد که به موجب آن هر شرکتی که بیش از یک میلیون دلار فرآوردهای نفتی به ایران بفروشد نخواهد توانست قراردادی با وزارت انرژی دولت آمریکا امضا کند.

دو سناتور جمهوری خواه تهیه کنندۀ متن این مصوبه با انتشار اطلاعیه ای تصریح کرده بودند : "در زمانی که رئیس جمهوری آمریکا راهبرد گفتگو را با ایران آغاز کرده ارایۀ چنین مصوبه ای به او مناسب است که بر اساس آن دولت آمریکا از هر نوع معامله با شرکت هایی منع شده که به ایران بنزین فروخته یا صادر می کنند."

در جای دیگری از این بیانیه آمده است که این مصوبه پیامی به آن دسته از شرکت های نفتی است که سودجویی را به امنیت ترجیح می دهند.

در این حال، لوایح دیگری در کنگرۀ آمریکا به منظور تشدید مجازات ها علیه ایران در دست بررسی است. کریستوفر دوُد نمایندۀ حزب دموکرات و رئیس کمیسیون بانک ها در سنای آمریکا مصمم است که تا اواخر ماه جاری اکتبر لایحه ای را به همین منظور تهیه کند.

دیروز پنجشنبه کمیسیون امور خارجۀ مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا اعلام کرد که بیست و هشتم ماه جاری اکتبر لایحه ای را تنظیم خواهد کرد که به موجب آن پرزیدنت اوباما بتواند از سلاح مجازات ها علیه ایران در صورت شکست مذاکرات با این کشور استفاده کند. هدف از این لایحه نیز تحریم فروش و صدور بنزین به جمهوری اسلامی است.

چهارشنبه گذشته مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا با تصویب لایحه ای به ایالات و حکومت های محلی این کشور اجازه داد که شرکت هایی را که با ایران در زمینۀ انرژی تجارت می کنند از هر نوع معامله با آمریکا منع سازند. این مصوبه شامل شرکت هایی خواهد شد که بیش از بیست میلیون دلار در حوزۀ انرژی ایران سرمایه گذاری می کنند.

ایران دومین کشور صادر کندۀ نفت اوپک ناچار است چهل درصد بنزین مورد نیاز خود را وارد کند. دولت ایران مدعی است که برای مقابله با تحریم صادرات بنزین به این کشور تدابیر لازم را از هم اکنون اتخاذ کرده است.

گزارشی از مراسم ختم بهنود شجاعی

aliکمیته گزارشگران حقوق بشر- ساعت 4 بعدازظهر است، مسجد النبی، روبروی کوی دانشگاه تهران، پذیرای چهره‌هایی دردمند و آشناست. زنان و مردانی که برای سومین روز درگذشت بهنود شجاعی با قلب‌هایی غصه‌دار آمده‌اند تا با حضورشان،هم مایه تسلی خانواده بهنود باشند و هم اعتراضی به حکم غیرانسانی اعدام.

مخالفت با مجازات اعدام برای کودکان، وجه تشابه همه کسانی است که امروز در مسجد النبی جمع شده‌اند و برای سال‌های کودکی بهنود که در زندان گذشت، اشک می‌ریزند. برای تمام سال‌هایی که به امید آزادی در زندان برای بهنود و دیگرانی چون او گذشت و می‌گذرد و برای آن لحظه آخر که بهنود با هزار امید و آرزو، بالای صندلی رفت تا شاید مادر احسان، بر خطای او چشم بپوشد و او نتوانست ببخشد. نتوانست ببخشد و با دستانش آخرین حلقه اتصال میان بهنود و زندگی را از بین برد، صندلی را کشید، تا شاید این‌گونه بتواند تمام شب‌هایی را که با یاد احسان کشته شده‌اش خوابیده است، فراموش کند. شاید آرام گیرد.

بنا به فراخوان جمعی از فعالان حقوق کودک، قرار بود امروز، حضور در مراسم ختم بهنود شجاعی، نشانه‌ای باشد بر اعتراض به اعدام کودکان.

زنان و مردان با کاغذ نوشته های " اعدام کودکان را متوقف کنید"،" اعدام کودکان= وحشیانه ترین جنایت بشری"، " ایران، رکوردار اعدام کودکان در دنیا" و .. در مراسم حضور یافته‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌اند و به خانواده بهنود شجاعی تسلیت می‌گویند.

صدای شیون‌هایی زنی، اشک را از چشمان تمام حاضران جاری می‌سازد. زنی فریاد می‌زند:" الهی بمیرم که تمام جوونیتو تو زندان بودی"ٰ . صدای هق هق گریه است که فضا را پر می‌کند.

حضور نیروهای لباس شخصی و امنیتی در اطراف مسجد، محسوس است. مجلس ختم اما به آرامی و بدون هیچ صحبتی تمام می‌شود. پدر بهنود شجاعی می‌گوید که "صبح امروز از سوی اداره آگاهی و قاضی کوه کمره‌ای آمده اند و وی را تهدید کرده‌اند که مجلس را در نهایت آرامش و بدون سخن اعتراض‌آمیزی، برگزار کند." او از حاضران می‌خواهد که از پخش کاغذنوشته های خود خودداری کنند.

معترضان به حکم اعدام، با کاغذ نوشته‌های خود در برابر درب ورودی مسجد اجتماع می‌کنند. برخی از‌آنان به سمت خیابان می‌روند تا رهگذران را از علت اجتماع خود با خبر کنند.

در این مجلس، پدر و مادر علی مهین‌ترابی، دیگر نوجوان محکوم به اعدام هم حضور یافته‌اند. مادر علی درحالی که اشک می‌ریزد می‌گوید که دادگاه علی دو هفته دیگر برگزار می‌شود. اما به ما گفته‌اند که حکم از قبل مشخص است. پرونده علی مهین‌ترابی که در دادگاه اولیه به اعدام محکوم شده است، با اعتراض وکیل، قرار است مجددا مورد رسیدگی قرار گیرد.

.و پایان مراسم، همانند همیشه با حضور نیروهای لباس شخصی و نیروی انتظامی همراه است که از حاضران می‌خواهند محل را ترک نمایند.!

و این گونه، سومین روز از اعدام بهنود شجاعی، نوجوانی که متهم بود در سن 17 سالگی فرد دیگری به نام احسان را به قتل رسانده است، سپری شد. شاید مرگ بهنود و اعتراض فعالان مدنی به اجرای حکم اعدام کودکان، موجب شود تا دیگر کودکان زیر حکم اعدام از طناب دار رهایی یابند.

شاید بهنود با مرگش بتواند، نوجوانان دیگری چون خود را از وحشت آخرین شب انفرادی نجات دهد.. شاید..