۱۳۸۸ آذر ۲۳, دوشنبه

Jesus Healing the Sick

The concept of Jesus healing the sick has always had it's critics, even among well meaning religious people. It was that way in Jesus's, day and it is that way now; however, the answer does not lie in man's opinion, but  on God's Word. That is the reason we must personally read Jesus healing scriptures for ourselve.
When performing miraculous healing Jesus always required the person to have faith. He said "according to your faith be it unto you." (Matt 9:29) Childlike faith is necessary in order to receive anything from God. In His own home town Jesus did not do many miracles because of their unbelief. (Matt 13:57-58)
According to scripture Jesus made clay out of spittle and placed it upon a blind man's eyes. He then told him to wash in the pool of shalom; he did and was healed. (John 9:1-7) What if some well meaning individual had convinced the man that the trip to the Pool of Siloam would be a waste of time, would the blind man have been healed? I think not.

If you were told that in order to be healed you would need to do something that defies common sense, would you do it?
In the Old Testament Naaman became infuriated when Elisha told him that he would be healed if he would dip seven times in the Jordan River. When his servant finally convinced him to do as Elisha directed he was healed instantly. (2 Kings 5:1-15) It required an act of faith, and obedience on his part.
Just as Naaman thought dipping in the water was foolish, some may think it foolish to be anointed with oil. They don't recognize it as an act of obedience. God can heal in any number of ways, I used this example to emphasize that God's way often makes no sense to the natural world/mind.
God has given us many examples of how to receive healing. In one scripture we are told that the "...effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much," and that the Elders of the Church and are directed to pray for the sick, and to anoint them with oil.(James 5:14-16)
Healing your body is not difficult for God. Just as He spoke the earth into existence, He can bring healing into your body, or situation. He loves you, and doesn't enjoy seeing you sick any more than you enjoy seeing your child or loved one sick.
The scriptures below are God's word, not man's. They will give examples of people in the New Testament who were healed, offer encouragement and faith. The scriptures will bring assurance that it is His will to heal. Believe them, obey them, and be healed.

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