۱۳۸۸ آبان ۴, دوشنبه

Gods Special Care

Do you believe in Gods Special Care for His children? In the book of Exodus God miraculously provided food, water, clothing, and shelter on a daily basis for the Children of Israel. He parted the waters of the Red Sea allowing them to cross then closed the waters behind them thereby destroying their enemies.

In (Josh 6:20) The nation of Israel received Gods Special Care when God broke down the 'walls of Jericho'; In (Josh 10:12-14) when He caused the sun to set still for nearly a whole day as his people won the battle over their enemies.

Christians sometimes mistakenly assume they will receive Gods special care only after reaching Heaven, but Jesus said that God will look after the needs and safety of His children here on earth.

In Matt 6:31-32 Jesus said "Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, What are we going to eat or, What are we going to have to drink? or What are we going to have to wear? For the Gentiles (heathen) wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all."

In (Matt 6:33) Amp. Jesus said. "But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His Kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and all these things taken together will be given you besides." This promise was not made to the world as a whole, but to His people, the one's who accept His Plan of Salvation.

When speaking of the world He said they wish and crave for things such as food, clothing and other things; however Christians are to place their trust in God. And "your Heavenly Father knows well that you need them all "(Matt 6:32).

There may be many tough and unpredictable times during this earthly life, and we are not to neglect the things He has directed us to do. But when we work, pray and put Him first we will receive God's Special Care.

There are books on end telling of God's miracles. Volumes have been written about people who have been miraculously fed, clothed, and delivered from all sorts of disasters and certain death. God's Angels often bring deliverance to His people in life and death situations.

Protection, provision, peace and joy are a result of the grace of God, Gods special care, (His love and favor for His children). Just as He cared for the "Children of Israel," so will he take care of you, because you are His child.



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